Christ: My All in All

Christ IN You- the hope of Glory Colossians 1:27 
God's word says:
I was ungodly Romans 5:6
I was a sinner Romans 5:8
I was God's enemy Romans 5:10
I was condemned Romans 5:18
I was under death penalty Romans 5:23
I was cursed Galatians 3:10
I was dead in sin Ephesians 2:1
I am crucified with Christ Galatians 2:20
I am buried with Christ Colossians 2:12
I am rising with Christ Colossians 1 2
I am alive with Christ Galatians 2:13
I am offended with Christ Ephesians 2:6
I am seated with Christ the reason she's six
I am joint air with Christ a Romans 8:17
I am in dwell by the father Romans 8:17
I am in 12 by the sun Colossians 1:27
I am in 12 by the holy Spirit first Corinthians 3:16
I am beloved of God Romans 1:7
I am a saint Romans 1:7
I am dead to sin Romans 6:2, 11
I am under grace Romans 6:14
I am eternal Romans 6:23
I am free from condemnation Romans 8:1, 34
I am a son of God Romans 8:14
I am foreknown Romans 8:29
I am predestined Romans 8:30
I am called Romans 8:30
I am glorified Romans 8:30
I am more than a conqueror Romans 8:37
I am in fellowship first Corinthians 1: 9
I am the temple of God 1st Corinthians 3:16
I am washed 1st Corinthians 6:11
I am sanctified first Corinthians 6:11
I am a member of his body 1 Corinthians 11:27
I am victorious first Corinthians 15:57
I am triumphant second Corinthians 2:14
I am a new creature 2nd Corinthians 5:18
I am an ambassador 2 Corinthians 5:20
I am the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
I am rich second Corinthians 8:9
I am redeemed from the curse of the law Galatians 3:13
I am adopted Galatians 4:5
I am free Galatians 5:1
I am called unto Liberty Galatians 5:13
I am blessed Ephesians 1:3
I am chosen Ephesians 1:4
I am holy Ephesians 1:4 I Am without blame Ephesians 1:4
I am accepted Ephesians 1:6
I am sealed Ephesians 1:13
I am saved by grace Ephesians 2:8
I am his workmanship Ephesians 2:10
I am a fellow citizen Ephesians 2:19
I am delivered from the power of darkness Colossians 1:13
I am translated into the kingdom of the sun Colossians 1:13
I am complete Colossians 2:10
I am circumcised without hands Colossians 2:11
I am forgiven all trespasses Colossians 2:13
I am delivered from the raft to come first Thessalonians 1:10
I am not appointed to wrath first Thessalonians 5:9
I am saved 2nd Timothy 1:19
I have peace with God Romans 5:1
I have now received the atonement Romans 5:11
I have the mind of Christ first Corinthians 2:16
I have all spiritual blessings Ephesians 1:6
I have obtained an inheritance Ephesians 1:11
I have hope laid up in heaven Colossians 1:5
I have a holy calling 2nd Timothy 1:9
I shall be confirmed on to the end 1 Corinthians 1:8
he is my wisdom first Corinthians 1:30
he is my righteousness 1st Corinthians 1:30
he is my sanctification 1st Corinthians 1:13
he is my redemption 1st Corinthians 1:30
he is my victory first Corinthians 15:57
he is my peace Ephesians 2:14
he is my hope Colossians 1:27
he is my completion Colossians 2:10
thus the Lord Jesus Christ is my life Colossians 3:4


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